Main Content
Series Synopsis
Parks Guides
Virtually explore the parks guides to the places we film, learning about the natural and culture history of the area.
Watch Season 1
Tune in today and watch Season 1 of Naturally Ours, featuring the parks, people, and flora and fauna of Salt Spring Island.
Teaching Materials
Want to incorporate Naturally Ours into your lesson plans? We want to make that easier for you with our open educational resources, including a variety of teaching materials.
Meet Our Guests
Learn more about the First Nations, scientists, artists, historians, farmers, and environmentalists featured in Naturally Ours. Discover more about what they are working on and where you can find them and their work online.
Support the Series
We appreciate whatever support you can give us in further building this series, whether in the purchase of a Naturally Ours web3 experiment, patreonage, Coil membership, engaging in the community, and / or sharing our creations.
Join the Community
We love when we can connect with others with a shared passion. Join the Naturally Ours Discord to connect with other nature nuts, get a behind the scenes look at filming, join in development discussions, share your nature rambles, enjoy mindful moments, and more!
Support Future Seasons of Naturally Ours
Audience response …
"Everybody is indigenous to somewhere, everyone has a connection to the Earth, but they just forgot about it." I don't know if it was intended, but these words started me crying, not because it made me sad but because it made me remember. The landscape in your video is beautiful beyond words. Thank you.iJimUK
This was so fascinating and enjoyable to watch. So much history and appreciation for what too many people simply take for granted. This takes us back to the basics that we all need to embrace and value.Camping for Women
You had me at wearing a bikini while out in the snow...brrr! i can not believe you think it is just a little chilly. lol. That aside, this is so amazing! I wanna come tree hug with you..hehe! For real though, the quality of this video is amazingly crisp and the journey you just took me on is simply beautiful. Good job Erica.ZeeGoes

Meet the Team
Hello from all of us at Naturally Ours. While it may be me, Erica Hargreave, that you see in the series. This project is a team collaboration with all of us playing valuable roles.
Naturally Ours was co-created by Erica Hargreave and Lori Yearwood, and brought to live under the cinematography and direction of Kelly Conlin. Erica writes and then as the host steps away in post to allow Kelly and Lori to take the lead in post-production. Emme Rogers also plays a role in the digital community building, and Bjorn Yearwood has recently joined the team as the artist behind the Naturally Ours NFT Collectibles. Erica and Lori are also the educators behind our teaching resources.
Stay in the Loop
Want to know when future Seasons of Naturally Ours are released, along with teaching materials, parks guides, and new Naturally Ours NFT Collectibles?
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