Welcome to Roamancing Travel and Culture Magazine. This is the home base for our ever evolving and expanding storyworld.
What is Roamancing?
Roamancing is all about finding the love and beauty in this great big wide world of ours.
Our Ever Evolving Storyworld
From working in the television industry, the notion of Roamancing first began as whisicle series idea with the logline, “Think one woman in search of love and adventure meets Frommer’s Travel Guide. The result? A heck of a page turner!” From a chuckle that made us smile, it has since involved into a passion with the goal of building cultural understanding, illustrating how similar we are in our needs and desires as humans, and where we differ, learning about those differences, rather than fearing them.
In media terms, Roamancing is an Interactive and Immerse Travel Storyworld that entertains and informs travelers in more ways than one, through the digital travel and culture magazine, web series, documentary, podcasts and social media.
In addition to the digital travel and culture magazine, we currently have an internationally award winning web series and documentary – Naturally Ours and Naturally Salt Spring, and three podcasts – Roamancing Reads, My Ukrainian Heritage, and Culture Travels.
We also have other web series and documentaries in development, are developing some augmented reality storytelling around natural and cultural history, and have long been concocting and dreaming of a travel adventure based alternate reality game. Oh, and we speak around the world about immersive and interactive storytelling and technology.
Want to join us in Roamancing?
If you are interested in partnering with us on this dynamic adventure, the opportunities are limitless – from web series development and production, to documentaries, to podcasts, to AR and VR story development, to the development and delivery of an alternate reality travel adventure game. We have fun concocting and creating ideas, and work with a talented team of creatives that help make the magic happen.

Drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you!