Being that my kids are in high school, it has been ages since we’ve been to any sort of museum, science centre or art gallery. I figured it was time to add some culture back in their lives. When thinking back on all the field trips they have been on, combined with places we have taken them to, I realized they had never seen a dinosaur exhibit. I really don’t know how that’s possible, but it’s just not something that ever happened. Thus, our 2014 expedition to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles!
I admit, they were not that excited when I said where we were going. They thought it was going to be boring, but they lovingly came along to support their mother. I did have their interests peaked though when I explained how the coolest thing about dinosaurs is that they actually existed and were absolutely real. They are just as cool as any imaginary creature you could dream up, or see a movie about only the evidence of their existence is a fact!
‘It had them at Hello’. Upon driving up to the museum, there is a statue out front of a Tyrannosaurus rex about to attack a Triceratops. When you enter the museum you immediately see this same statue, but it is the actual skeletons of the two dinosaurs. The lighting is beautiful and both my kids whipped out their iPhones to start taking pictures. “We’re going to make the best PicCollage today!” they proclaimed.

As soon as we started walking around they said they felt like they were in the Night At The Museum movie, which made the whole experience that much more exciting for them. We actually had to look up where that movie was filmed because being in LA, that might have actually been possible, but low and behold it was mostly filmed in Vancouver with a soundstage built to be a replica of the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Still, that relatable feeling really got them into it.

They really were like tourists in their own town. Moving through the Dinosaur Hall, they were snapping photos like crazy, all the while amazed by the size of the dinosaurs and how impossible it was to fit a whole one in a photo. “Oh mom look at this one, it had a baby inside!” … “Mom, look at the size of this tooth!” … “MOM, you’re missing this!!!” As if the dinosaurs were going anywhere! You can read on here ~ Dinosaur Encounters at The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles ~ for more on the dinosaurs!

I had been a little worried that my daughter would be frightened by the dinosaurs, because they can be a bit daunting. She had absolutely no problems with them. It was when we got to this taxidermy display of birds that she absolutely freaked out! She thought they looked so real that they might come alive and she felt pretty creepy about that. I’m not kidding, she actually held her hands over her ears, looked down and ran through there humming to herself! My son thought it was fascinating though, and even took time to appreciate the detail of an owl holding a mouse in it’s mouth.

This museum is amazing for keeping up with current and changing information. Their dinosaurs have been re-posed following recent research, for example. They are also quick to showcase new discoveries of other living things. In the Discovery Center there is an enormous silver Oarfish on the wall that we had never seen before, and therefore had no idea it existed. As we were walking through a different part of the museum there was a showcase box which had a preserved version of this same fish. The knowledgeable museum assistant explained that it was discovered dead in the ocean and brought here to be studied and shared. She said it originally had the same silver colour as the one we saw on the wall, but as time has passed it’s colour has left. The fish on display is flat, because they took out the insides to study and, of course, it also make it easier to display.

Here’s what little Miss Mason, my 9th grader had to say about the whole experience:
The Natural History Museum was a sight to see. I thought it was going to be boring, but it was actually pretty cool. First, we took pictures with the dinosaurs at the front of the museum, then we headed to the Dinosaur Hall where we looked at all of the dinosaur fossils and bones. Some of the bones that the scientists dug up created WHOLE dinosaurs!!! This exhibit was my favourite part of the museum!
My second favourite was the Gems and Minerals Hall and Vault. All of the crystals were so shiny and bright, that I couldn’t believe they were real. When we went into the gift shop I purchased two mineral coasters that are blue and purple. I thought that the museum was amazing! I think people should take their families there, because it is a good way to spend time together and it has great appeal for all ages.

There you have it! I feel successful as a mom that I was able to give my kids an adventurous, informative, interesting and exciting day. I happened to rather enjoy the whole experience myself too!
Those dinosaurs look ready to rumble!
It’s amazing the personality bones can have isn’t it?
I have been there once before, strongly recommend it to anyone? What was your favorite section Brie?
My favorite part is always watching the kids reaction to things! I, of course, loved the dinosaurs.
Looks like somewhere I might have to check out next time I’m in LA 🙂
You and me both, Karen!
Amazing. The photos look like they are alive. They take you one way trip back into history.
That’s a scene at the entrance to the museum, that it would seem is hard not to photograph well. Have seen many a great photo of that same scene!
They look so real :o. Tbh museums are really a cool place to hang out. You get to have fun and you get to know stuff while doing fun lol.
So true Jasmine! I often enter museums thinking I’m going to be bored, but end up fascinated by everything! Of course, going with friends or family always ups the level of fun.
The Natural History museum in LA looks exceptional. A great place for a family vacation. Perfect for children who loved the new Jurassic Park movie.
Your post is not boring at all though it is historical. I like the natural history museum since I’ll learned lots of things that I didn’t know. Perfect for family bonding! You can visit like this Historical museum for bonding, learning and enjoying every single thing :).
These different styles of rocks, minerals, bones, etc are so beautiful. It is impressive how these things could have come from the earth all by themselves, through years of pressure.
I love museums, I would love one day to get to know this one.
When I visit museums I feel like time stops. I become so absorbed in the artifacts. I am going to visit The Natural History Museum Los Angeles this spring with my son. Can’t wait. Thanks for sharing.
My favorite part is always watching the kids reaction to things! I, of course, loved the dinosaurs.and i love world history.
The Los Angeles Natural History Museum is fantastic, I have had the opportunity to visit it twice and found it incredible. I intend to come back more often for sure.
This museum is just wonderful
That it is!