As we travel and observe the world, we’re struck by the undeniable realization of how similar we all are. Similar in our needs for water, warmth, food, shelter … Similar in our desires to be loved … to be heard … to be valued … for companionship. As a result these powerful words from Prince Ea spoke to me …
Despite how similar we all are the world over, so much hate spreads from fear over our differences. Fear of differences in faith, differences in skin tone, differences in ethnicity, differences in language … I may be accused of being naive here, but why does it have to be an us or them mentality? Why can’t we find ways to help and support one another, rather than at the expense of our others? Yes, we are ultimately all animals, but are we not evolved to the point that we can live harmoniously, rather than at the expense of others? That is the world I dream of, where everyone lives with the sort of love and harmony that I’ve found with Miss Fuzzywiggle Furrypants Roo, despite how different we look.
Love one another. Look a stranger in the eyes today – smile at them – say hello – and do something kind for them (with no expectations in return). That sort love will make the world a better place.
Great. we need to love one another. be one and create a better world