We’ve been jabbering on about roamancing for awhile now and have had one or two delays in launching the alpha site thanks to the curve balls that life throws at you, but it is finally here – Phase 1 of Roamancing!
What to expect? More of the antics and shenanigans that the likes of Brie Mason, Sir Von Ritter, clippernolan, hummingbird604, Thu, Madame German, Richard Yearwood, Alyzee Lakhani and I get up to on the road, as we search this big wide world of ours for what love and romance mean to each of us. It may not always be pretty, but it’s bound to cause a chuckle two.
Here’s a wee tease:
As I mentioned above this is just the beginning! What does the future hold? Greater technology integration, more interactivity, the opportunity for you to become a part of the story, real world storytelling and gaming …
For now, we look forward to you joining us on …
Congrats on your inaugural post – excited to see where things go from here! 🙂
Thanks Christy! We your site ~ http://technosyncratic.com/