Preparing to go to Egypt this week ~ clothing, insurance, travel cheques, my talks …etc ~ which inevitably meant a trip to the travel doctor for some last minute immunizations.
Being on the road already meant a random travel doctor and I have to say I lucked out, especially for someone who is rather particular about their doctor. If you happen to ever need this is the Hamilton area, Dr. Dada is lovely and very thorough.
Aside from the immunizations and pills in case of any dreaded traveler’s diarrihea, the doctor cautioned me about only swimming in filtered pools, not wandering about bare foot and only drinking boiled or bottled water. His next suggestion was practical enough, but brilliant, as for whatever reason it had not occurred to me. “You will, of course take a traveler’s first aid kit.”

I don’t know why this hadn’t occurred to me, but it reminded me that things we take for granted at home, are not always easy to find abroad, and really who wants to waste their time looking for tylenol when there are pyramids to see.
So I wandered over to the pharmacy and asked the pharmacist what she would take with her.
- Tylenol Gel Caps (faster acting)
- Immodium
- Gravol (I grabbed the non-drowsy ginger tablets)
- Bandaids
- Polysporin
After traveling with my sister and having her rescue me twice with her first aid kit – once for blisters and once for a cold – I decided the travel first aid kit was a great idea and now take one every time I travel. The one item I never leave home without is Imodium. That stuff works like a charm and has kept me from being very sick several times.
Good to know. I have never tried Imodium before, but have heard the same thing from many people.
It’s good to connect again. I didn’t sleep well but I’ll give this a spin. Make sure all recommended vaccinations and innoculations are up-to-date. I would be adding water purification tablets, Iodine tablets, Antibacterial hand wipes or alcohol-based hand sanitizer, deep woods Off, Sunblock and sunglasses, Ibuprofen, Milk of Magnesia tablets, Quinine tablets, Benadryl, and Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy.
Thanks! This is a great list here.
Had totally forgotten about everywhere practical items like sun block.
Mosquito repellent. Let them never say I wasn’t prepared for them.
Thanks Alyzee! Have you been to Egypt before?
Good posting. I usually carry flu and headache pills with some basic ache cream and plasters in my shower pack but never really did do a full first aid kit. Time I started to pack one.
Yeah, I’m amazed that it didn’t occur to me before either David.
I don’t know if it’s good advice to carry antibiotics, but they save my life once!
Oh that is a good idea Robin. Will have to update with that.