After a personally tough beginning to the year, our team of Roamancers are taking a moment to enjoy celebrating Canadian travel stories and to be celebrated as Canadian travel storytellers. You see we have been recognized by two community leaders for the travel stories that we share, thanks to the Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC) and Feedspot. Best of all in both circumstance, our stories are being celebrated alongside those of other storytellers who we respect and enjoy.
Nathan Fong Memorial Award
We are elated to have our first nomination for our Culture Travels Podcast for a Nathan Fong Memorial Award, sponsored by TMAC BC. Making this extra special, the episode that we’ve been nominated for is our episode on Japanese Canadian culture that we created with one of our favourite young people (then 12 years old) – Miss Maya and her mom, one of my greatest friends – Manami Calvo. Maya did all the planning on what we were making on the episode – pumpkin mochi.

You can tune into the episode via Culture Travels’ podcasting home or one the many sites syndicating the show. Then get the pumpkin mochi recipe that we made, learn more on the history of mochi and its importance in Japanese culture, practice the Japanese words that Miss Maya taught us, and discover more about the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre in Burnaby, BC in the accompany article, Making Mochi and Exploring Japanese Canadian Culture on the Culture Travels Podcast.
The Nathan Fong Memorial Award is in memory of long-time TMAC member Nathan Fong, and was created to raise awareness and highlight the many contributions Canadians of Asian descent have made to Canada.
The other nominees for this year’s award, include:
- Carolyn Heller, Behind the Stories at the Chinatown Storytelling Centre | Monte Cristo Magazine
- Diana Ballon: Dig into Richmond, BC’s Stellar Asian Food Scene | Travel Life
- Diane Selkirk: Business Owner Carol Lee’s Guide to Vancouver’s Chinatown | Viator
- Yashy Murphy: Sri Lankan Mani Pittu Recipe | Parenting to Go
Feedspot’s Best Canadian Travel Magazines
It seems that our recent makeover of has been appreciated, as we are now not only on Feedspot’s list of the Best Canadian Travel Blogs (at #19), but we are also now on Feedspot’s list of the Best Canadian Travel Magazines (at #17)! We are absolutely delighted by the company that we are in on both of these lists, being celebrated alongside other travel blogs (like The Planet D, Breathe Dream Go, Claudia Travels and Life’s Incredible Journey) and travel magazines (like Canadian Geographic Travel and Saltscapes magazines) that we ourselves enjoy. Go checkout out the site’s listed and enjoy some great read.

A special nod to Toque and Canoe, who like us have been celebrated on both lists. We also could not be happier than to be celebrated as a Best Canadian Travel Blogs alongside Go Far Grow Close, whose journey we’ve been following since the beginning, when Nicole built her travel blog in our course at BCIT, BCST 3073 – Building Your Digital Media Presence. So thrilled to see where Nicole has taken her travel blog and her stories.

Thanks to all those who have helped to build our confidence, given us opportunities, cheered us on, and who have been tuning in to read, watch, and listen to our stories over the years. We very much appreciate this. Thank you!
We appreciate the appreciation of travel narratives from Canada. Do you have a personal travel experience that you would particularly like to remember? Travel tales are frequently brought to life by personal anecdotes; I’d love to hear yours.
Hi Greg,
We have many. Mine you will find by exploring my author’s feed: Similarly you can explore our other author’s feeds to find theirs.
Thanks for asking, Greg.