It’s amazing how something so simple as a piece of fruit can inspire adventure and discovery within us, not to mention awakening our senses to memories. That is what the kumquat has done for Brie Mason, inspiring her poem ‘Ode to the Kumquat Tree’.

Oh Tree of Curious name Who are you? Here at my new home you taunt me with your suspicious fruit offering. The size of a grape The look of an orange Yet nothing to say for yourself. The lemons and grapefruits around you would be the more obvious choice... Yet it's you I want to try. As my mouth opens wide BAM! You punch me in my senses. A wake up jolt of sour juice Then a revival of health with your sweet skin. I don't want to eat your skin It goes against all historical eating But alas - this kind of adventure is what keeps me bold. Oh tree of curious name I know who you are!

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