Join me and my son on our first Mexican Riviera Cruise! Catch up on the adventure so far with us Setting Sail, and Departing Los Angeles!
Our first stop was Cabo San Lucas. As we waited for our tender boat to bring us ashore, our excitement grew. Cabo has a reputation as a party town and it certainly lived up to that.

Arriving ashore, we called for an Uber. My son’s high-school Spanish came in handy as he conversed with the driver and got some tips.
From the moment our driver dropped us off, we could hear the action on the beach even before we saw it. Crowds of lively party-goers were everywhere, and hard-driving rock music was being played by a DJ right on the beach. It seemed as though we must have landed on the most fun beach in all of Cabo. Of course we quickly joined in on the fun, ordering ‘dos cervesas’ and plopping down on a couple of lounge chairs right in the heart of the action.

We happily spent the next few hours swimming, sipping, and soaking in the vibes of this fun place. The crowd was a source of entertainment in itself, as we enjoyed people watching and listening to some of their hilarious antics. Mexican vendors strolling along the beach with souvenirs for sale also provided some laughs, particularly the one carrying a variety of hats with ‘unique’ slogans.

Soon it was time to get an Uber back to the ship. This driver seemed to take a longer route which we considered a bonus, as we got a taste of just how many bars and restaurants were in this party town.

Tips for Cabo San Lucas
- Line up early to get one of the first tender boats from the cruise ship.
- Take note of where your lounge chair is located before going swimming or strolling, so that you can find it easily among the sea of people when you return.
- Brush up on a few key Spanish phrases to use with the Uber driver.

Sail Away with Us On the Rest of Our Mexican Riviera Cruise
Disembark with us at:
What Do You Enjoy Doing in Cabo Sans Lucas?
We’d love to hear about your experiences in Cabo Sans Lucas in the comments below. As our visit was limited to the cruise schedule, we’d love some ideas of things to do, see and eat when we return for a longer visit.
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